Name: Ongaku Senritsu

Age: 24

Hair Colour : Pink-purple

Eye colour: blue

Height: 5'9" (175cm)

Birthday: September 1st

Release date: September 4th (2010)

Character Item: raspberry and blackberry

Likes: Mate with cornstarch alfajor, cats, hugs.

Voicer: Asuka9



Ongaku Senritsu - spanish |nJokis| - (VCCV)

This Voicebank has 5 pitchs (A3 - C4 - E4 - A4 - C5 ) 

Ongaku Senritsu - Winter- (VCV)

This Voicebank has 5 pitchs (A3 - C4 - E4 - A4 - C5 ) 

Ongaku Senritsu - Summer - (VCV)

This Voicebank has 6 pitchs (A3 - C4 - E4 - A4 - C5 - E5 ) 

Ongaku Senritsu - Cutie panther (VCV)

This Voicebank has 5 pitchs (A3 - C4 - E4 - A4 - C5 ) 

Ongaku Senritsu+ (VCV+Vc)

This Voicebank has 8 pitchs (A#3 - B3 - C4 - F4 - A4 - B4 - C5 - D5 ) a falsetto and a phylum extension.

Ongaku Senritsu multipitch (vcv)

This Voicebank has 3 pitch (A3 - C4 - C5 ) for japanese and spanish.

Ongaku Senritsu Act 3 (CV)

basic VB for japanese.